Saturday, April 20, 2013

"The Catalyst Leader" an interview with Author Brad Lomenick Pt. 6

click here to get your copy,

26. How do you stay hopeful when life sucks, business is crumbling, church or ministry is not growing, when everything seems to be going wrong?

Well, that’s a tough one. I believe your spiritual foundation and staying passionate for God is essential. And the understanding that tomorrow will be better than today, an underlying sense of staying hopeful. Eternal perspective is crucial, realizing that we are part of a story that is eternal and way bigger than any of us individually. Being a hopeful leader requires vision for the future, the ability to get from here to there, and take those you lead from here to there. And hopeful leaders keep that perspective on a consistent basis.

27. How do you become collaborative without competitive?

Collaboration has to flow from a place of generosity, truly believing that a higher tide lifts all boats. Be more concerned with others. Listen instead of talk. Be interested over interesting. To be collaborative we must understand that it’s not about me. It’s not about your organization, your non profit, or your project. It’s about connecting people, not competing. Collaborators are okay sharing their wisdom, their knowledge, their connections, and their networks, because collaboration means working together alongside others. Co-laboring. Building bridges instead of constructing walls. We at Catalyst have partnered with those who might be seen as competitors, because we believe in an abundance mentality. When you have an abundance mindset you are more likely to collaborate instead of compete. Avoid the scarcity mentality – the idea that there is only so much to go around. Think of churches in the same city- if you believe we’re all on the same team it’s much easier to collaborate instead of compete.

28. In 10+ years with Catalyst, what’s the biggest leadership challenge you’ve faced?

We’ve had plenty, but I would say our greatest challenge has been to maintain a standard of excellence and keep improving and getting better every single day. It would be easy for us to become complacent and simply rest on what we’ve already done. Maintaining that passion for improvement and innovation is a challenge every single day. It’s also really important that we maintain a hunger and laser focus on our mission, and not allowing ourselves to have vision shift. Another major challenge is to say no a lot. The more you grow, the more opportunities you have, and more opportunities to chase after projects or new initiatives or new partnerships. We’ve had to learn to say no a lot more often than saying yes. Which is just the opposite of what it was like in the early years of Catalyst, when we were trying to establish credibility and connection, and said yes to just about everything.

29. What are you looking forward to this year?

The release of this book! As well as continuing to gather leaders at our Catalyst events all over the US. This will be our 14th year of Catalyst in Atlanta the first week of October with 13,000 leaders gathered. I always look forward to that gathering. And we are starting to work on a Catalyst Europe gathering in the fall of 2014, which will be our first time to take the Catalyst experience outside of the US. And we have 4 Catalyst One Day events planned for August through November this fall, which feature Andy Stanley and Craig Groeschel in a practical nuts and bolts leadership environment. You can go to to find more info.

30. Talk about the design of the cover of the book. Explain that.

The lines represent the idea that the Catalyst community is interconnected. We all come from different backgrounds, industries, ages, perspectives, and angles, but our leadership crosses over each other continuously. And when we are together and unified, represented by the middle section of the book cover, we start to form a sense of community, but it's still not easily defined and some normal shape. It's unique and creative. The 8 starbursts represent the 8 Essentials of a Catalyst Leader for becoming a Change Maker.

Here is a link to the website also,


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